Community Conservation Radio

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Radio is now a highly accessible medium among Maasai communities. Not only do people own radios, with many listeners per set, but radio broadcasts can be received widely by cell phones.  As a part of both its education and advocacy work, SPF is administering the program in conjunction with a UNESCO-sponsored Maasai radio station, Loliondo FM 107.7, with the coverage to the communities around and adjacent to Serengeti Ecosystem. The broadcast extends to the entire region of Musoma, Masai Mara, the area around Loliondo and some parts of Ngoro Ngoro Conservation Area.  Programs are broadcasted in both Swahili and Maa languages.

The purpose of this radio program is to involve communities in education and dialogue, giving them the platform to link traditional values with modern conservation. Equally important build the role of the local community as direct and front-line actors in conservation efforts.  Jamii na Uhifadhi, which means Community and Conservation in Swahili is broadcasted weekly from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm every thursday.

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Typically, programs are divided into the following segments:

  • 20 Minutes: Elimu ya Uhifadhi (Conservation Knowledge): This segment is pre-recorded in Arusha with support from Tanzania National Parks, and talks about conservation, why it’s important and benefits of conservation to the community

  • 10 Minutes: Habari za Uhifadhi (Conservation News): News of the past week about conservation in Tanzania and globally.

  • 20 Minutes: Maoni, Ushauri na Changamoto (Listener comments, questions and advice): Listeners are encouraged to be part of the program: to call, text and email their comments to be aired during the segment. Listeners will be able to address conservation challenges in their communities. Questions will be answered in the next program.

  • 5 Minutes. Je Wajua (Did You Know?): This segment will provide general information about wildlife, especially directed at a younger audience.

  • 5 Minutes. Wrap-up: End up the session and invite listeners to the next program.

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Maasai Cultural Heritage: These broadcasts include discussions of traditional Maasai values and ideas about nature and conservation and how these can be translated into a modern setting. Elders are be given opportunities to discuss how attitudes toward nature have shaped Maasai life.

Interviews: Apart from the above program segments there is a LIVE talk where conservationists from TANAPA and other organizations, and respected community elders are invited to the station for live talks about conservation so that communities feel and become part of the conservation movement.

Upcoming: We will incorporate radio programming into our new Ecoagriculture Program by focusing on the introduction of new breeds, planting of forage, water supply, animal health, interviews and other matters.

Partnering with other stations: We hope to extend the Radio Program to the Manyara Region to partner community Radio called OLKONERE Radio Station (ORS) which broadcasts to Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Tanga and Manyara. The coverage of the ORS reaches where Loliondo Fm Radio doesn’t reach. Therefore, the Radio program will cover five regions; Manyara, Arusha, Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Musoma where most of the national parks and Wildlife Management Areas are located.